Cover DIN EN 61280-1-3 VDE 0888-410-13:2011-02

DIN EN 61280-1-3 VDE 0888-410-13:2011-02

Fibre optic communication subsystem test procedures

Part 1-3: General communication subsystems – Central wavelength and spectral width measurement

(IEC 61280-1-3:2010); German version EN 61280-1-3:2010
Class/Status: Standard, withdrawn
Released: 2011-02
VDE Art. No.: 0888113

Contents (only German)

This part of IEC 61280 provides definitions and measure procedures for several wavelength and spectral width properties of an optical spectrum associated with a fibre optic communication subsystem, and optical trans mitter, or other light sources used in the operation or test of communication subsystems.


DIN EN IEC 61280-1-3 VDE 0888-410-13:2023-12

Fibre optic communication subsystem test procedures

Part 1-3: General communication subsystems – Measurement of central wavelength, spectral width and additional spectral characteristics

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