Cover E DIN IEC/TS 62271-318 VDE V 0671-318:2023-08

E DIN IEC/TS 62271-318 VDE V 0671-318:2023-08

High-voltage switchgear and control gear

Part 318: DC gas-insulated switchgear assemblies

(IEC 17C/886/CD:2022); Text in German and English
Class/Status: Draft, valid
Released: 2023 -08   Published: 2023-07 -28
VDE Art. No.: 1600484
End of objection deadline: 2023-09-28

This part of IEC 62271 specifies requirements for gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear in which the insulation is obtained, at least partly, by an insulating gas or gas mixture other than air at atmospheric pressure, for direct current of rated voltages of 100 kV and above, for indoor and outdoor installation. This document includes rules for service conditions, ratings, design, and construction requirements. Test requirements are defined and criteria to proof for passing type and routine tests in this document for development and manufacturing of DC switchgear.

Title Format
Schalten im Hochspannungsnetz
Schramm, Heinz-Helmut

Schalten im Hochspannungsnetz

2014, 366 pages, Din A5, Festeinband

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