Cover E DIN EN IEC 62676-6 VDE 0830-71-6:2022-10

E DIN EN IEC 62676-6 VDE 0830-71-6:2022-10

Video surveillance systems for use in security applications

Part 6: Performance testing and grading of real-time intelligent video content analysis devices & systems for use in video surveillance applications

(IEC 79/650/CDV:2021); German and English version prEN IEC 62676-6:2021
Class/Status: Draft, valid
Released: 2022 -10   Published: 2022-09 -23
VDE Art. No.: 1800703
End of objection deadline: 2022-11-23

This Standard specifies the functions, performance, interfaces, environmental adaptability, test methods, performance evaluation and grading rules of real-time intelligent video analysis in surveillance systems. This Standard applies to live and forensic, real-time intelligent video analysis devices and systems in video surveillance.