Cover DIN EN 60320-1 VDE 0625-1 Berichtigung 2:2010-10

DIN EN 60320-1 VDE 0625-1 Berichtigung 2:2010-10

Corrigendum to DIN EN 60320-1 (VDE 0625-1):2008-05

Class/Status: Standard, withdrawn
Released: 2010-10
VDE Art. No.: 0625018

In Figure 1 "Survey of appliance couplers" the declaration of the lightest cord type allowed for the standard sheets C13 and C14 will be changed.


DIN EN 60320-1 VDE 0625-1:2016-04

Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes

Part 1: General requirements

123.69 € 
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