DIN EN IEC 62694 VDE 0493-3-10:2024-11Radiation protection instrumentation Backpack-type radiation detector (BRD) for the detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive material |
DIN ISO 24426 VDE 0492-4426:2024-09Radiological protection Content of input data for the statistical analysis of dose records of individuals monitored for occupational exposure to ionizing radiation |
DIN EN ISO 21909-2 VDE 0492-3-909-2 Beiblatt 1:2024-05Passive neutron dosimetry systems Part 2: Methodology and criteria for the qualification of personal dosimetry systems in workplaces; Supplement 1: Procedure with albedo dosemeter |
DIN ISO 22188 VDE 0493-3-2188:2024-05Monitoring for inadvertent movement and illicit trafficking of radioactive material
DIN ISO 2889 VDE 0493-1-2889:2024-04Sampling airborne radioactive materials from the stacks and ducts of nuclear facilities
DIN EN ISO 20785-3 VDE 0492-5-3:2024-01Dosimetry for exposures to cosmic radiation in civilian aircraft Part 3: Measurements at aviation altitudes An english translation of this document is available. |
DIN EN ISO 21909-1 VDE 0492-3-909-1:2023-12Passive neutron dosimetry systems Part 1: Performance and test requirements for personal dosimetry |
DIN EN ISO 21909-2 VDE 0492-3-909-2:2023-12Passive neutron dosimetry systems Part 2: Methodology and criteria for the qualification of personal dosimetry systems in workplaces |
E DIN ISO 15382 VDE 0492-382:2023-12Radiological protection Procedures for monitoring the dose to the lens of the eye, the skin and the extremities |
DIN EN ISO 9978 VDE 0412-9978:2023-09Radiation protection Sealed sources – Leakage test methods |
DIN EN ISO 16640 VDE 0493-1-6640:2023-09Monitoring radioactive gases in effluents from facilities producing positron emitting radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals
E DIN ISO 14146 VDE 0492-146:2023-04Radiological protection Dosimetric criteria and performance limits for the periodic evaluation of dosimetry services |
DIN EN 50689 VDE 0837-689:2022-12Safety of laser products Particular Requirements for Consumer Laser Products; |
DIN EN IEC 63121 VDE 0493-3-9:2022-07Radiation protection instrumentation Vehicle-mounted mobile systems for the detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive materials |
E DIN ISO 24434-1 VDE 0493-4434-1:2022-07Radiological protection – Radiological monitoring for emergency workers and population following nuclear/radiological incidents Part 1: General principles |
DIN EN 60825-1 VDE 0837-1:2022-07Safety of laser products Part 1: Equipment classification and requirements |
DIN EN ISO 20042 VDE 0493-2042:2022-06Measurement of radioactivity Gamma-ray emitting radionuclides – Generic test method using gamma-ray spectrometry |
DIN CEN ISO/TR 22930-1 VDE 0493-1-930-1:2022-05Evaluating the performance of continuous air monitors Part 1: Air monitors based on accumulation sampling techniques |
DIN CEN ISO/TR 22930-2 VDE 0493-1-930-2:2022-05Evaluating the performance of continuous air monitors Part 2: Air monitors based on flow-through sampling techniques without accumulation |
DIN EN ISO 20785-4 VDE 0492-5-4:2022-03Dosimetry for exposures to cosmic radiation in civilian aircraft Part 4: Validation of codes |