Cover IEC TS 62933-3-2:2023

IEC TS 62933-3-2:2023

Electrical energy storage (EES) systems - Part 3-2: Planning and performance assessment of electrical energy storage systems - Additional requirements for power intensive and renewable energy sources integration related applications

Ausgabedatum: 2023-01
Edition: 1.0
Sprache: EN - englisch
Seitenzahl: 113 VDE-Artnr.: 251476


IEC TS 62933-3-2:2023 provides the requirements for power intensive and renewable energy sources integration related applications of EES systems, including grid integration, performance indicators, sizing and planning, operation and control, monitoring and maintenance. The power intensive applications of EES systems are usually used to improve the dynamic performance of the grid by discharging or charging based on corresponding control strategies. The renewable energy sources integration related applications of EES systems are usually used to mitigate short-term fluctuation and/or to keep long-term stability. This document includes the following applications of EES systems:
– frequency regulation/support;
– grid voltage support (Q(U)) (“volt/var support”);
– voltage sag mitigation;
– renewable energy sources integration related applications;
– power oscillation damping (POD).

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