Cover IEC 62788-2-1:2023

IEC 62788-2-1:2023

Measurement procedures for materials used in photovoltaic modules - Part 2-1: Polymeric materials - Frontsheet and backsheet - Safety requirements

Ausgabedatum: 2023-08
Edition: 1.0
Sprache: EN-FR - zweisprachig englisch/französisch
Seitenzahl: 65 VDE-Artnr.: 252091


IEC 62788-2-1:2023 specifies the safety requirements for flexible polymeric front- and backsheet constructions, which are intended for use as relied-upon insulation in photovoltaic (PV) modules. The specifications in this document define the specific requirements of polymeric front- or backsheet constructions on the component level and cover mechanical, electrical, visual and thermal characterization in an unexposed state and/or after ageing.
This document covers class II and class 0 modules, as defined in IEC 61730-1. Class III modules are out of scope. This document provides the requirements for qualification of front- and backsheets to be used in module safety qualification according to IEC 61730-1. Test method descriptions are provided in IEC TS 62788-2, along with additional characterization methods useful for performance or quality assurance.