keine Vorschau

ISO/IEC 17917:2024

Smart cities - Guidance to establishing a decision-making framework for sharing data and information services

Ausgabedatum: 2024-06
Edition: 1.0
Sprache: EN - englisch
Seitenzahl: 46 VDE-Artnr.: 253084


This standard gives guidance on establishing a decision-making framework for sharing data and information services in smart cities.

It covers:

a) types of data in smart cities;

b) establishing a data sharing culture;

c) data value chain roles and responsibilities;

d) purposes for data use;

e) assessing data states;

f) defining access rights for data; and

g) data formats/format of transportation.

This standard aims to support the sharing of data and information services within cities. For some cities there will also be a need to establish specific data sharing agreements, particularly where data is being shared by multiple organizations at once.

This standard supports a transparent approach to making decisions and creating specific data sharing agreements in order to fully realise the benefits and value of data and information services in a city.

Missing data or misinterpretation of data can lead to the wrong actions being taken by city decision-makers. A decision-making framework for sharing data can help ensure that they have the best overall data on which to base decisions.

This standard does not cover:

a) national security issues;

b) good practice for use of data by the citizen;

c) existing interoperability agreements between cities;

d) defining application programming interfaces (API) networks; or

e) any data sharing rules and regulations specific to a particular jurisdiction. It is assumed that a security-minded approach to data sharing is used by cities.

NOTE 1 Further details on the areas not covered in this standard, including information on relevant standards publications, are given in Annex A.

This standard is for use by decision-makers in smart cities from the public, private and third sectors. It is also of interest to any city organization wishing to share data.