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ISO/IEC 9797-2:2021/COR1:2024

Information security - Message authentication codes (MACs) - Part 2: Mechanisms using a dedicated hash-function - Technical Corrigendum 1

0,00 € 

ISO/IEC 18014-2:2021/COR1:2024

Information security - Time-stamping services - Part 2: Mechanisms producing independent tokens - Technical Corrigendum 1

0,00 € 

ISO/IEC 27019:2024

Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Information security controls for the energy utility industry

173,00 € 

ISO/IEC 26132:2024

Information technology - OpenID connect - OpenID connect discovery 1.0 incorporating errata set 2

151,00 € 

ISO/IEC 26137:2024

Information technology - OpenID connect - OpenID connect back-channel logout 1.0 incorporating errata set 1

96,00 € 

ISO/IEC 26133:2024

Information technology - OpenID connect - OpenID connect dynamic client registration 1.0 incorporating errata set 2

151,00 € 

ISO/IEC 26136:2024

Information technology - OpenID connect - OpenID connect front-channel logout 1.0

63,00 € 

ISO/IEC 26131:2024

Information technology - OpenID connect - OpenID connect core 1.0 incorporating errata set 2

216,00 € 

ISO/IEC 26139:2024

Information technology - OpenID connect - OAuth 2.0 form post response mode

42,00 € 

ISO/IEC 26135:2024

Information technology - OpenID connect - OpenID connect session management 1.0

63,00 € 

ISO/IEC 26138:2024

Information technology - OpenID connect - OAuth 2.0 multiple response type encoding practices

63,00 € 

ISO/IEC 26134:2024

Information technology - OpenID connect - OpenID connect RP-initiated logout 1.0

63,00 € 

ISO/IEC 23264-2:2024

Information security - Redaction of authentic data - Part 2: Redactable signature schemes based on asymmetric mechanisms

194,00 € 

ISO/IEC 27554:2024

Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Application of ISO 31000 for assessment of identity-related risk

96,00 € 

ISO/IEC 27403:2024

Cybersecurity – IoT security and privacy – Guidelines for IoT-domotics

173,00 € 

ISO/IEC 14888-4:2024

Information security - Digital signatures with appendix - Part 4: Stateful hash-based mechanisms

194,00 € 

ISO/IEC TR 5891:2024

Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Hardware monitoring technology for hardware security assessment

151,00 € 

ISO/IEC 27011:2024

Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Information security controls based on ISO/IEC 27002 for telecommunications organizations

151,00 € 

ISO/IEC 27561:2024

Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Privacy operationalisation model and method for engineering (POMME)

151,00 € 

ISO/IEC 4922-2:2024

Information security - Secure multiparty computation - Part 2: Mechanisms based on secret sharing

151,00 €