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ISO/IEC 18025:2014

Information technology - Environmental Data Coding Specification (EDCS)

216,00 € 

ISO/IEC 9973:2013

Information technology - Computer graphics, image processing and environmental data representation - Procedures for registration of items

151,00 € 

ISO/IEC 18023-1:2006/AMD1:2012

Information technology - SEDRIS - Part 1: Functional specification - Amendment 1

18,00 € 

ISO/IEC 18023-3:2006/AMD1:2012

Information technology - SEDRIS - Part 3: Transmittal format binary encoding - Amendment 1

18,00 € 

ISO/IEC 18024-4:2006/AMD1:2012

Information technology - SEDRIS language bindings - Part 4: C - Amendment 1

18,00 € 

ISO/IEC 18042-4:2006/AMD1:2011

Information technology - Computer graphics and image processing - Spatial Reference Model (SRM) language bindings - Part 4: C - Amendment 1

18,00 € 

ISO/IEC 18026:2009

Information technology - Spatial Reference Model (SRM)

216,00 € 

ISO/IEC 8632-1:1999/COR2:2007

Information technology - Computer graphics - Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information - Part 1: Functional specification - Technical Corrigendum 2

0,00 € 

ISO/IEC 18042-4:2006

Information technology - Computer graphics and image processing - Spatial Reference Model (SRM) language bindings - Part 4: C

63,00 € 

ISO/IEC 18023-2:2006

Information technology - SEDRIS - Part 2: Abstract transmittal format

42,00 € 

ISO/IEC 18023-3:2006

Information technology - SEDRIS - Part 3: Transmittal format binary encoding

42,00 € 

ISO/IEC 19777-2:2006

Information technology - Computer graphics and image processing - Extensible 3D (X3D) language bindings - Part 2: Java

42,00 € 

ISO/IEC 19777-1:2006

Information technology - Computer graphics and image processing - Extensible 3D (X3D) language bindings - Part 1: ECMAScript

42,00 € 

ISO/IEC 18023-1:2006

Information technology - SEDRIS - Part 1: Functional specification

216,00 € 

ISO/IEC 18024-4:2006

Information technology - SEDRIS language bindings - Part 4: C

63,00 € 

ISO/IEC 8632-1:1999/COR1:2006

Information technology - Computer graphics - Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information - Part 1: Functional specification - Technical Corrigendum 1

0,00 € 

ISO/IEC 14772-2:2004

Information technology - Computer graphics and image processing - The Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) - Part 2: External authoring interface (EAI)

173,00 € 

ISO/IEC 15948:2004

Information technology - Computer graphics and image processing - Portable Network Graphics (PNG): Functional specification

194,00 € 

ISO/IEC 14772-1:1997/AMD1:2003

Information technology - Computer graphics and image processing - The Virtual Reality Modeling Language - Part 1: Functional specification and UTF-8 encoding - Amendment 1: Enhanced interoperability

173,00 € 

ISO/IEC 12087-5:1998/COR2:2002

Information technology - Computer graphics and image processing - Image Processing and Interchange (IPI) - Functional specification - Part 5: Basic Image Interchange Format (BIIF) - Technical Corrigendum 2

0,00 €