IEC 61360-7:2024Standard data element types with associated classification scheme - Part 7: Data dictionary of cross-domain concepts
40,00 €
IEC 62656-8:2020Standardized product ontology register and transfer by data parcels - Part 8: Web service interface for data parcels
345,00 €
IEC 61360-1:2017Standard data element types with associated classification scheme - Part 1: Definitions - Principles and methods
425,00 €
IEC 62656-5:2017Standardized product ontology register and transfer by spreadsheets - Part 5: Interface for activity description
345,00 €
IEC 61360-6:2016Standard data element types with associated classification scheme for electric components - Part 6: IEC Common Data Dictionary (IEC CDD) quality guidelines
270,00 €
IEC 62656-3:2015Standardized product ontology register and transfer by spreadsheets - Part 3: Interface for Common information Model
375,00 €
IEC 62656-1:2014Standardized product ontology register and transfer by spreadsheets - Part 1: Logical structure for data parcels
425,00 €
IEC TS 62656-2:2013Standardized product ontology register and transfer by spreadsheets - Part 2: Application guide for use with the IEC common data dictionary (CDD)
345,00 €
IEC 61360-2:2012Standard data element types with associated classification scheme for electric components - Part 2: EXPRESS dictionary schema
425,00 €