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IEC TR 62453-41:2016

Field device tool (FDT) interface specification - Part 41: Object model integration profile - Common object model

450,00 € 

IEC TR 62453-42:2016

Field device tool (FDT) interface specification - Part 42: Object model integration profile - Common Language Infrastructure

450,00 € 

IEC 61987-13:2016

Industrial-process measurement and control - Data structures and elements in process equipment catalogues - Part 13: Lists of properties (LOP) for pressure measuring equipment for electronic data exchange

155,00 € 

IEC 61987-12:2016

Industrial-process measurement and control - Data structures and elements in process equipment catalogues - Part 12: Lists of properties (LOPs) for flow measuring equipment for electronic data exchange

155,00 € 

IEC 62264-4:2015

Enterprise-control system integration - Part 4: Objects models attributes for manufacturing operations management integration

385,00 € 

IEC 62541-100:2015

OPC Unified Architecture - Part 100: Device Interface

365,00 € 

IEC 62264-2:2013

Enterprise-control system integration - Part 2: Object and attributes for enterprise-control system integration

450,00 € 

IEC 62264-1:2013

Enterprise-control system integration - Part 1: Models and terminology

365,00 € 

IEC 62337:2012/COR1:2012

Corrigendum 1 - Commissioning of electrical, instrumentation and control systems in the process industry - Specific phases and milestones

0,00 € 

IEC 61987-10:2009/COR1:2012

Corrigendum 1 - Industrial-process measurement and control - Data structures and elements in process equipment catalogues - Part 10: Lists of properties (LOPs) for industrial-process measurement and control for electronic data exchange - Fundamentals

0,00 € 

IEC TR 61804-6:2012

Function blocks (FB) for process control - Electronic device description language (EDDL) - Part 6: Meeting the requirements for integrating fieldbus devices in engineering tools for field devices

80,00 € 

IEC 62337:2012

Commissioning of electrical, instrumentation and control systems in the process industry - Specific phases and milestones

249,99 € 

IEC TR 62453-61:2009

Field device tool interface specification - Device Type Manager (DTM) Styleguide for common object model

249,99 € 

IEC 61987-10:2009

Industrial-process measurement and control - Data structures and elements in process equipment catalogues - Part 10: List of Properties (LOPs) for Industrial-Process Measurement and Control for Electronic Data Exchange - Fundamentals

280,00 € 

IEC 62453-315:2009

Field device tool (FDT) Interface specification - Part 315: Communication profile integration - IEC 61784 CPF 15

320,00 € 

IEC 62453-303-1:2009

Field device tool (FDT) interface specification - Part 303-1: Communication profile integration - IEC 61784 CP 3/1 and CP 3/2

320,00 € 

IEC 62453-301:2009

Field device tool (FDT) interface specification - Part 301: Communication profile integration - IEC 61784 CPF 1

410,00 € 

IEC 62453-303-2:2009

Field device tool (FDT) interface specification - Part 303-2: Communication profile integration - IEC 61784 CP 3/4, CP 3/5 and CP 3/6

249,99 € 

IEC 62453-306:2009

Field device tool (FDT) interface specification - Part 306: Communication profile integration - IEC 61784 CPF 6

200,00 € 

IEC TR 62390:2005

Common automation device - Profile guideline

365,00 €