ISO/IEC 18046-5:2025Information technology - Radio frequency identification device performance test methods - Part 5: Test methods for the environmental characteristics of RFID tags used in sporting goods
132,00 €
ISO/IEC 18046-3:2020Information technology - Radio frequency identification device performance test methods - Part 3: Test methods for tag performance
199,00 €
ISO/IEC 18046-2:2020Information technology - Radio frequency identification device performance test methods - Part 2: Test methods for interrogator performance
155,00 €
ISO/IEC 18046-4:2015Information technology - Radio frequency identification device performance test methods - Part 4: Test methods for performance of RFID gates in libraries
177,00 €
ISO/IEC 18046-1:2011Information technology - Radio frequency identification device performance test methods - Part 1: Test methods for system performance
199,00 €