IEC 62433-6:2020EMC IC modelling - Part 6: Models of integrated circuits for pulse immunity behavioural simulation - Conducted pulse immunity modelling (ICIM-CPI)
300,00 €
IEC 62433-1:2019/COR1:2020Corrigendum 1 - EMC IC modelling - Part 1: General modelling framework
0,00 €
IEC 62433-2:2017EMC IC modelling - Part 2: Models of integrated circuits for EMI behavioural simulation - Conducted emissions modelling (ICEM-CE)
375,00 €
IEC 62433-3:2017EMC IC modelling - Part 3: Models of integrated circuits for EMI behavioural simulation - Radiated emissions modelling (ICEM-RE)
375,00 €
IEC 62433-4:2016EMC IC modelling - Part 4: Models of integrated circuits for RF immunity behavioural simulation - Conducted immunity modelling (ICIM-CI)
375,00 €
IEC TR 62433-2-1:2010EMC IC modelling - Part 2-1: Theory of black box modelling for conducted emission
190,00 €