On the Exploitation of the Extended Minimum Cost Flow (EMCF) Phase Unwrapping Algorithm for the Generation of Deformation Time-Series

Konferenz: EUSAR 2008 - 7th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar
02.06.2008 - 05.06.2008 in Friedrichshafen, Germany

Tagungsband: EUSAR 2008

Seiten: 4Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Pepe, A.; Casu, F.; Manunta, M.; Lanari, R. (IREA – CNR, Via Diocleziano 328, 80124 Napoli, Italy)
Casu, F.; Manunta, M.; Mazzarella, G. (DIEE, Università degli studi di Cagliari, Piazza d’Armi, 09123 Cagliari, Italy)

We exploit the Extended Minimum Cost Flow (EMCF) Phase Unwrapping (PhU) technique that allows us to process sequences of differential SAR interferograms in order to generate deformation time-series. We discuss first the basic rationale of the EMCF approach, highlighting its capability to process both multi-look and single-look interferogram sequences. Subsequently, we demonstrate the algorithm effectiveness by presenting the results obtained processing ERS SAR data relevant to the city of Rome, Italy.