Speaker, Noise, and Acoustic Space Adaptation for Emotion Recognition in the Automotive Environment

Konferenz: Sprachkommunikation 2008 - 8. ITG-Fachtagung
08.10.2008 - 10.10.2008 in Aachen, Germany

Tagungsband: Sprachkommunikation 2008

Seiten: 4Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Schuller, Björn W. (Institute for Human-Machine Communication (MMK), Technische Universität München (TUM), D-80333 Münc)

Emotional surveillance of drivers possesses significant potential for increased security within passenger transport. In an automotive setting the interaction can further be improved by social awareness of an MMI. Within this scope the detection of security relevant behavior patterns as aggressiveness or sadness is discussed. The focus lies on real-life usage respecting online processing, subject independency, and noise robustness. The approach introduced employs multivariate time-series analysis by brute-force feature generation. Extensive results are re-ported on two public standard corpora. The influence of noise is discussed by representative car-noise overlay. Thereby impact per low-level-descriptor is considered.