A Comparison of Density and Amplitude Tapering for Transmit Active Arrays
Konferenz: EuCAP 2009 - 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation
23.03.2009 - 27.03.2009 in Berlin, Germany
Tagungsband: EuCAP 2009
Seiten: 4Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF
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Toso, Giovanni; Angeletti, Piero; Mangenot, Cyril (European Space Agency, Keplerlaan 1, 2200 AG, Noordwijk, The Netherlands)
Antenna architectures based on active aperiodic arrays are considered a promising solution for multibeam transmit antenna embarked on board Earth orbiting satellites. Active aperiodic arrays with equiamplitude excitation represent an alternative to active periodic arrays with tapered amplitude excitation. The paper will offer a preliminary trade-off between the two configurations from a system level perspective.