Uninterrupted power supply - supported by fuel cells
Konferenz: telescon(R) 2009 - Power Supply Quality and Efficiency - 4th International Telecommunication - Energy special conference
10.05.2009 - 13.05.2009 in Vienna, Austria
Tagungsband: telescon(R) 2009 - Power Supply Quality and Efficiency
Seiten: 3Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF
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Beckhaus, Peter; Notthoff, Thorsten; Souzani, Sina; Heinzel, Angelika (ZBT GmbH, Duisburg, Germany)
Böden, Bernhard (Power Innovation GmbH, Achim, Germany)
Uninterrupted power supply systems (UPS) for telecommunication are already under discussion both for centralized applications as well as for decentralized applications. Remote repeater stations which have an electrical consumption of less than 750 Wel are more and more equipped with UPS systems based on either batteries or super capacitors. With decreasing reliability of electric mains the length of power outages is increasing. The more telecommunication is a necessary part of everyday life the more rises the demand for long term power backup of the telecommunication networks. Using hydrogen powered fuel cells as long term energy source in addition to short term storage devices such as super capacitors is an environmentally and economically interesting option for decentralized backup systems. In this paper a solution for an outdoor cabinet integrated fuel cell powered UPS is described. The system architecture is optimized for traffic components but is already including the classic power supply technologies for telecommunication applications.