Physical Interpretation of the Parameters in the Full-Wave Transmission Line Theory

Konferenz: ISTET 2009 - VXV International Symposium on Theoretical Engineering
22.06.2009 - 24.06.2009 in Lübeck, Germany

Tagungsband: ISTET 2009

Seiten: 5Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Nitsch, Jürgen; Tkachenko, Sergey (Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg)

The Full Wave Transmission Line Theory (FWTL) generalizes the classical Transmission Line approximation (TL) for high frequencies when radiation effects occur. In the present paper we develop the FWTL for a homogeneous line with two lumped sources. For this case the calculation can be curried out in explicit form, and it becomes possible to install the connection between the parameters of the FWTL and the current modes (TEM mode, leaky modes and radiation mode) which arise near the line non-uniformities (lumped sources).