The paradigm of Non-linear oscillators in image processing

Konferenz: ISTET 2009 - VXV International Symposium on Theoretical Engineering
22.06.2009 - 24.06.2009 in Lübeck, Germany

Tagungsband: ISTET 2009

Seiten: 5Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Latif, Muhammad Ahsan; Chedjou, Jean Chamberlain; Kyamakya, Kyandoghere (Transportation Informatics Group, Alpen Adria University, Klagenfurt, Austria)

Image contrast enhancement is realised by using nonlinear oscillatory theory. Two different uncoupled networks based on nonlinear oscillators have been studied. Simulators for both networks are developed and tested with very low contrasted images. Results show a possible effective area of application of nonlinear oscillators for image processing tasks.