Dynamic Migration Planning of Broadband Fixed Access Networks subject to CAPEX and OPEX
Konferenz: Kommunikationskabelnetze - 16. ITG-Fachtagung
15.12.2009 - 16.12.2009 in Köln, Germany
Tagungsband: Kommunikationskabelnetze
Seiten: 4Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF
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Zhao, Rong; Zhou, Liwei; Merwe, Stefanus van der; Grunert, Kai (Detecon International GmbH, 53227 Bonn, Germany)
Zhou, Liwei; Machuca, Carmen Mas (Technische Universität München, 80290 München, Germany)
This paper provides an overview of xDSL and FTTx technologies, analyzes the most sensitive factors for their CAPEX and OPEX models, and proposes a dynamic migration planning from the current infrastructure to FTTH. Various access technologies and multiple migration periods are taken into account, which leads to a complicated nonlinear optimization problem. To solve it effectively, an efficient mathematic model is developed and implemented in MS Excel and Visual Basic. Additionally, two typical distribution networks PON and AON are applied to support FTTx and then compared during the evaluation of CAPEX and OPEX. Three cases have been studied and a few results will be discussed. Furthermore, the proposed strategy for one-/multi-step migration process can be extended for other migration problems.