Development of Robots for the Pipeline Industry
Konferenz: ISR/ROBOTIK 2010 - ISR 2010 (41st International Symposium on Robotics) and ROBOTIK 2010 (6th German Conference on Robotics)
07.06.2010 - 09.06.2010 in Munich, Germany
Tagungsband: ISR/ROBOTIK 2010
Seiten: 6Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF
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Filho, Frederico A. Ramalho; Bracarense, Alexandre Queiroz; Lima II, Eduardo José; Kienitz, Kassio Maciel; Ribeiro, Emanuel Barbosa (UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
This paper describes the conception, development, construction and testing of special robots aimed for the pipeline industry. Although the construction of a pipeline requires several different steps, this paper focus on the automation of the most critical, demanding and repetitive jobs: the welding and ultrasound inspection of the radial seams made every twelve meters and also the welding of branches, manholes and special fittings. Both of the developed welding robots have the ability to optimize the main welding parameters, making possible to work always with the optimum deposition rate for any given geometry and welding conditions. Field tests demonstrate that these robots can be faster than the human welder and also have better quality and repeatability at the same time, providing lower operation costs. With the increased production, the non-destructive testes had to be faster to be able to follow the moving assembly line, and the robot for ultrasound inspection fulfill that role.