Continuous HRTF Acquisition vs. HRTF Interpolation for Binaural Rendering of Dynamical Auditory Virtual Environments

Konferenz: Sprachkommunikation 2010 - 9. ITG-Fachtagung
06.10.2010 - 08.10.2010 in Bochum, Deutschland

Tagungsband: Sprachkommunikation 2010

Seiten: 4Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Malik, Sarmad; Fligge, Jan; Enzner, Gerald (Institute of Communication Acoustics, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 44780 Bochum, Germany)

We present analysis of a new method for fast and continuous acquisition of head-related impulse responses and, hence, a perspective for individualized binaural rendering of dynamical auditory environments. In particular, we compare the accuracy of our data-driven continuous acquisition method with the state-of-the-art in interpolation of discrete impulse response tables. The numerical comparison of the accuracy is achieved on the basis of the respective mean-square impulse response errors of both methods. It turns out that our data-driven method is not only most convenient in terms of the acquisition process, but also provides a lower bound in terms of the resulting inaccuracy of the head-related impulse responses. We finally present the architecture of a realtime rendering engine which makes use of the fast and continuous acquisition method.