Multi-Actor Analysis for Self-Organizing Energy Efficient Business Ecosystems

Konferenz: CTTE 2011 - 10th Conference of Conference of Telecommunication, Media and Internet Techno-Economics
16.05.2011 - 18.05.2011 in Berlin, Germany

Tagungsband: CTTE 2011

Seiten: 9Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Raju, Anand; Lindmark, Sven; Delaere, Simon; Gonçalves, Vânia; Ballon, Pieter (IBBT SMIT, Pleinlaan 9/2, Brussels, Belgium)
Stamatelatos, Makis (National and Kapodistrian Univeristy of Athens, Greece)

This paper explores advanced methodologies to analyse the causes of so called energy efficiency gap, by identifying and analyzing how inter-actor relationships in business ecosystems can affect and act as barriers for commercial success of energy efficient solutions. For this, the paper takes the multi-actor framework (MACTOR) as a starting point and adapts it, connecting and transforming the strategic positions taken by stakeholders to a matrix of twelve control and value parameters (the Business Model Matrix) developed in earlier work. As a use case for this methodology, the paper examines the business ecosystem surrounding the introduction of a new energy efficient technology - CONSERN. The key motivation is to identify the strategic objectives that can essentially capture the viability of CONSERN enabled devices in the marketplace and to further elaborate on the battlefields where for a given objective various actors in the business ecosystem are in convergence, in divergence, or neutral.