Analysis of TDoA Measurements for Indoor Geolocation of GSM Mobile Phones
Konferenz: Mobilkommunikation 2011 - Technologien und Anwendungen - 16. ITG-Fachtagung
18.05.2011 - 19.05.2011 in Osnabrück, Deutschland
Tagungsband: Mobilkommunikation 2011
Seiten: 6Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF
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Renner, Jens; Zöllner, Hannes; Böhnke, Till; Voß, Burkart (University of Applied Sciences Jena, 07745 Jena, Germany)
This paper describes our Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA) indoor positioning approach, the basics of our sensor network and the underlying geometry based on hyperbolas. The effects of multipath propagation and noise have a significant influence on the accuracy when locating non-cooperative mobile phones in indoor environments, especially for narrow-bandwidth transmissions. Therefore, we show how an increased observation time (i.e. a series of measurements) could help to identify the degree of multipath effects and noise by means of statistical analysis of the TDoA estimates and how to incorporate this information into further processing. Using two real-world examples, we demonstrate the basic capabilities of our sensor network and our analysis software.