Model Reduction Techniques for Nonlinear Dynamic Circuits with Perturbations
Konferenz: NDES 2012 - Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems
11.07.2012 - 13.07.2012 in Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Tagungsband: NDES 2012
Seiten: 5Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF
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Lin, Lin; Mathis, Wolfgang (Institute of Theoretical Electrical Engineering, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 30167 Hannover, Germany)
In this paper we present at first Component Connection Model (CCM), by means of which nonlinear dynamic systems can be separated into linear and nonlinear parts so that the state space descriptions of nonlinear systems can be generated relativ easily. Then we focus on three model reduction techniques based on linear transformation, which describe the original nonlinear system by a set of linear systems that will be reduced to a smaller size by using the method called PRIMA. The simulation results for the achieved reduced model validate a good approximation.