Optically Powered Node Elements for Infrastructure Management Systems

Konferenz: Breitbandversorgung in Deutschland - 10. ITG-Fachkonferenz
18.04.2016 - 19.04.2016 in Berlin, Deutschland

Tagungsband: Breitbandversorgung in Deutschland

Seiten: 5Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Hehmann, Joerg; Straub, Michael; Jentsch, Lothar; Pfeiffer, Thomas (Nokia Bell Labs, Lorenzstr. 10, 70435 Stuttgart, Germany)

Modern optical distribution networks will require performance measurements and reconfiguration functions in future. These measurement functions will provide the infrastructure owner information about the health of the network at any time. New reconfiguration functions will increase the speed of network modifications and network recovery in case of malfunctions. Operation and maintenance tasks will be supported and simplified by these new functions. One major reason why these functions are not installed today is the energy provision in unpowered nodes of the network. A remote optical powering approach is presented to establish new elements for a fiber infrastructure management system in the optical access domain.