Hexagonal Reconfigurable Lattice Mesh for Programmable Photonic Processors

Konferenz: ECOC 2016 - 42nd European Conference on Optical Communication
18.09.2016 - 22.09.2016 in Düsseldorf, Deutschland

Tagungsband: ECOC 2016

Seiten: 3Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Perez, Daniel; Gasulla, Ivana; Capmany, Jose (ITEAM Research Institute, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain)
Soref, Richard A. (Department of Engineering, University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, MA 02125, USA)

We propose a hexagonal tuneable-coupler-based mesh design geometry, for the implementation of reconfigurable optical cores in programmable processors. This hexagonal mesh outperforms the previously proposed square mesh topology in on-chip integration metrics and performance. We provide application examples and robustness simulations.