Comparison of One- and Two-dimensional Slow Fading Models in Mobile Radio System Simulations
Konferenz: PIMRC 2005 - 16th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications
11.09.2005 - 14.09.2005 in Berlin, Germany
Tagungsband: PIMRC 2005
Seiten: 5Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF
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Osterkorn, Christian (Hardware Software Systems Engineering, University of Applied Sciences, Hagenberg, Austria)
Ostermayer, Gerald (Mobile Computing, University of Applied Sciences, Hagenberg, Austria)
Huemer, Mario (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Institute for Electronics Engineering, Cauerstr. 9, 91058 Erlangen, Germany)
This paper investigates the behavior of two different slow fading models in cellular mobile radio systems. A one-dimensional and a two-dimensional model are compared with respect to their influence on the results of system level simulations for cellular systems. A disadvantage of most known slow fading models is that they cannot handle the correlation behavior of shadowing in two dimensions. Recently a new model, which provides a two-dimensional correlation property, was proposed by Cai and Giannakis. We show that this model gives different results for system capacity and handover rates than the well known one-dimensional models.