Measurement technique for the density, the thickness and Young’s modulus of thick polysilicon films using surface acoustic waves

Konferenz: Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress 2005 - Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress 2005
10.10.2005 - 12.10.2005 in Munich, Germany

Tagungsband: Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress 2005

Seiten: 3Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Bennis, Abdelali (Robert Bosch GmbH, Gerlingen-Schillerhöhe, Germany)
Lomonosov, Alexey; Hess, Peter (Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany)

Using Rayleigh surface acoustic waves (SAW), the density, the thickness and the young’s modulus of ~20micrometer thick polysilicon films deposited on silicon are measured, in excellent agreement with theory. The dispersion curve of the propagating SAW is calculated with a Boundary-Element (BEM)-Model based on Green’s functions. The propagating SAW is excited with a picosecond laser in a narrowband scheme projecting lines from a mask on the surface of the sample. Then the surface vibrational velocity of the SAW is measured using a Probe-Beam- Deflection-setup. From the wavelength defined by the mask and the frequency of the measured SAW, the dispersion curve is determined point by point. Fitting the BEM-Model to the measured non-linear dispersion curve provides several physical parameters simultaneously. In the present work this is demonstrated for three properties of the polysilicon film: Young’s modulus, thickness and density. The properties obtained are in good agreement with recent literature data.