Event-Flow and Synchronization in Single Threaded Systems

Konferenz: MMB Workshop 2006 - ITG FA 6.2 Workshop on Model-Based Testing, GI/ITG Workshop on Non-Functional Properties of Embedded Systems, 13th GI/ITG Conference Measuring, Modelling, and Evaluation of Computer and Communication
27.03.2006 - 29.03.2006 in Nürnberg, Germany

Tagungsband: MMB Workshop 2006

Seiten: 8Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Walther, Karsten; Nolte, Jörg (Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus)

Deeply embedded systems become more and more important in everyday life. As the number of systems increases, the demand for programming platforms, which help with handling non-functional properties like synchronization, grows. Using the event-flow principle for programming leads to implicit synchronization for the application programmer’s point of view and allows efficient explicit synchronization. We show the internals for implicit synchronization and propose efficient mechanisms for synchronization in event-driven systems. The implementation is written for our runtime environment for deeply embedded systems REFLEX (Real-Time Event Flow Executive).