Applying Corba technology to solve a magnetostriction problem

Konferenz: CEM 2006 - 6th International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics
04.04.2006 - 06.04.2006 in Aachen, Germany

Tagungsband: CEM 2006

Seiten: 2Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Santandrea, Laurent; Azoum, Karim; Razek, Adel (Laboratoire de Génie Electrique de Paris. UMRS 8507 CNRS, SUPELEC, UPS, UPMC)
Grasseau, Gilles; Girou, Denis (IDRIS. Institut du Développement et des Ressources en Informatique Scientifique. CNRS)

This paper deals with computational considerations in numerical simulation of multi-physics problems. We describe in a magnetostriction problem how CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) technology can be used to assemble two different finite element programs. The approach is described within a concrete example using a mechanical program and a magnetic program.