New frontend configuration of PAMIR for GMTI and interferometric SAR purposes

Konferenz: EUSAR 2006 - 6th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar
16.05.2006 - 18.05.2006 in Dresden, Germany

Tagungsband: EUSAR 2006

Seiten: 4Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Wilden, Helmut; Brenner, Andreas; Peters, Olaf; Saalmann, Olaf; Poppelreuter, Bernd (Forschungsinstitut für Hochfrequenzphysik und Radartechnik (FGAN-FHR), Neuenahrer Straße 20, D-53343 Wachtberg, Germany)

A special interferometric frontend configuration of the PAMIR SAR/GMTI imaging radar, an experimental active phased array system with a very high simultaneous bandwidth of 1.82 GHz in X-band is described. The broadband beamforming together with azimuth wide scan capabilities (=± 45deg@1.82 GHz bandwidth) requires a switchable true time delay network with time increments equivalent to a fraction of a wavelength. PAMIR serves as an ideal airborne platform for future broadband SAR/GMTI research activities including interferometric image formation.