e-Services Architecture

Konferenz: networks 2006 - 12th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning - Symposium
06.11.2006 - 09.11.2006 in New Delhi, India

Tagungsband: networks 2006

Seiten: 6Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Barshefsky, Alvin (Lucent Technologies, Lucent World Wide Services, 2701 Lucent Lane, Room 7F-533, Lisle IL, 60532)
Trickey, Hemi (Lucent Technologies, Lucent World Wide Services, 2701 Lucent Lane, Room 7F-537, Lisle IL, 60532)

Lucent Worldwide Services (LWS) is the services arm of Lucent Technologies. Among the many vehicles for providing services to Lucent clients are specific software-based, analytical packages, created by LWS or Bell Labs (BL) engineers. LWS engineers traditionally used those packages to provide solutions to customer problems, often on a consultative basis. Starting in 2002, LWS began to rethink the use and client value proposition for those analytical assets. The result of that initiative was to recast those assets as the basis for e-services, and the creation of a hosting platform to enable LWS’ clients to control the execution of and access the results from those assets. Results to date have shown keen client interest and excellent technical performance from the platform and associated e-services assets.