Calibration of CD mask standards for the 65 nm node: CoG and MoSi

Konferenz: EMLC 2007 - 23rd European Mask and Lithography Conference
22.01.2007 - 26.01.2007 in Grenoble, France

Tagungsband: EMLC 2007

Seiten: 10Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Richter, J.; Heins, T.; Liebe, R. (Advanced Mask Technology Center (AMTC), D-01109 Dresden)
Bodermann, B.; Diener, A.; Bergmann, D.; Frase, C. G.; Bosse, H. (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), D-38116 Braunschweig)

We report on the traceable calibration of linewidth (CD) photomask standards which are used as reference standards for production masks of the 65 nm node. Two different types of masks with identical layout were produced and calibrated, namely a binary mask (CoG) and a half-tone phase shifting mask (193MoSi PSM). We will in particular describe the applied calibration procedures and cross-correlate the results from different high resolution metrology tools, like SEM, UV microscopy and AFM. The layout of the CD photomask standard contains isolated as well as dense line features in both tones with nominal CD down to 100 nm. Calibration of the standards was performed at PTB by UV microscopy and LV-SEM, supported by additional AFM measurements. For analysis of the measured high resolution microscopy images and the deduced profiles appropriate signal modeling was applied for every metrology tool, which allows a meaningful comparison of geometrical parameters of the measured calibration structures. By this approach, e.g. the deduced feature widths at the top of the structures and the widths at 50% height of the structures can be related to the measured edge an-gles. The linearity e. g. of the measured top CD on different type of structures on the CoG CD standard was determined to be below 5 nm down to line feature dimensions well below 200 nm.