Dynamic capacity allocation for low-cost multicarrier multimode PON

Konferenz: ECOC 2007 - 33rd European Conference and Exhibition of Optical Communication
16.09.2007- 20.09.2007 in Berlin, Germany

Tagungsband: ECOC 2007

Seiten: 2Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Taniman, R. O.; Bochove, A. C. van; Boer, P. T. de; Sikkes, B. (University of Twente, PO Box 217 7500AE Enschede The Netherlands)

A stable-matching-based multiuser multicarrier capacity allocation algorithm is proposed. It responds to ONU backlogs and dynamic subchannel gains. Benchmarked against Binary Linear Programming, it results in just 5% less allocated capacity, at much lower complexity.