A Half-Bridge LLC Converter Based on Digital Control

Konferenz: PCIM Asia 2020 - International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management
16.11.2020 - 18.11.2020 in Shanghai, China

Tagungsband: PCIM Asia 2020

Seiten: 6Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

Liu, Ciqian; Han, Jingang; Song, Jianguo; Tang, Tianhao (Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai, China)

Half-bridge LLC resonant converter has attracted extensive attention due to its inherent soft switching features. In order to achieve higher frequency and higher power density, GaN HEMT is selected as the switching element and select DSP as the control IC that can simplify the circuit design. Theoretical analysis is presented in this paper and PI compensation is discussed based on its small-signal modeling. A 400V input and 48V output experimental prototype is built to confirm practicability of the half-bridge LLC converter.