Research on Single Player Strategy Selection of Crossing Desert Game Based on Dynamic Programming and Fuzzy Evaluation

Konferenz: ICETIS 2022 - 7th International Conference on Electronic Technology and Information Science
21.01.2022 - 23.01.2022 in Harbin, China

Tagungsband: ICETIS 2022

Seiten: 6Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

Ma, Qimiao (School of Mathematics and Computing Science, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin, Guangxi, China)

"Crossing the Desert" is a game that combines survival challenges and benefits. In this paper, aiming at the daily schedule and resource allocation in the game, firstly, the discussion is divided into two categories: mining and non-mining, and the Floyd algorithm is used to calculate the shortest distance of mining, establish a dynamic programming model, and respectively solve the schemes with the most reserved funds. Next, this paper comprehensively evaluates all kinds of situations, establishes a fuzzy evaluation model, and standardizes the loss of money and survival first with Min-max standardization. By discussing three typical situations, it is concluded that general players should take the best plan to prepare food and water with two days of high temperature and one day of sunny days.