Modeling and Estimation of the Losses of a Multi-Level Inverter with Integrated Battery for Electric Vehicles

Konferenz: PCIM Europe 2022 - International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management
10.05.2022 - 12.05.2022 in Nürnberg, Germany


Tagungsband: PCIM Europe 2022

Seiten: 9Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

Pongnot, Gael (Universite Paris-Saclay, ENS Paris-Saclay, CNRS, SATIE, Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
Mayet, Clement; Labrousse, Denis (Universite Paris-Saclay, ENS Paris-Saclay, CNRS, SATIE, Gif-sur-Yvette, France & SATIE, UMR 8029, Cnam, HESAM Universite, Paris, France,)

This work is based on an innovative converter structure for an automotive application named Multi-Level Inverter with Integrated Battery. An Energetic Macroscopic Representation of the converter is performed. Conduction and switching losses are evaluated by simulation. The temporal evolution of the electrothermal variables is analyzed. Finally, the efficiency of the converter is calculated as a function of the RMS voltage, the RMS current and the frequency.