An improving calculation method of cardiac function parameters based on impedance cardiogram

Konferenz: BIBE 2022 - The 6th International Conference on Biological Information and Biomedical Engineering
19.06.2022 - 20.06.202 in Virtual, China

Tagungsband: BIBE 2022

Seiten: 5Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

Du, Qiang; Wang, Xue-lei; Ke, Li; Shen, Zhuo-Ran; Yang, Wen-hui (Shenyang University of Technology, ShenYang, China)

Hemodynamic measures are critical markers of dynamic changes in cardiac vascular function; stroke volume may be used to determine the ejection volume of a beating heart, which has a direct effect on the accuracy of other cardiac function metrics. The left ventricular ejection time can be determined in the differential impedance cardiogram using the impedance method for calculating cardiac hemodynamic parameters, but with moderate accuracy. To minimize computation mistakes, the characteristic spots of the electrocardiogram and impedance cardiogram signals are noted, respectively, to calibrate left ventricular ejection time using the electrocardiogram's QT, QRS, and RR intervals. Ten subjects were chosen to have their cardiac hemodynamic parameters calculated as their body position and breath status changed. The experimental results indicated that the improved formula calculated a more stable left ventricular ejection time and that the difference in stroke volume was more obvious when the measurement state changed, which had some reference significance for future clinical diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases.