Multilevel Converter System for Medium Voltage Grids

Konferenz: PCIM Europe 2023 - International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management
09.05.2023-11.05.2023 in Nürnberg, Germany


Tagungsband: PCIM Europe 2023

Seiten: 8Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

Lapassat, Nicolas; Garmier, Pierre-Louis; Terrien, Franck; Sihler, Christof (GE Power Conversion, France)

A new modular converter system based on press-pack IEGT (PPI) modules has been developed and recently put into commercially use, to complement and extend GE Power Conversion’s range of medium voltage products. The submodules of the new 36 kV MMC system benefit from the proven and robust PPI technology of the MV7000 range of products. The fully modular design and a new control architecture allow high flexibility for adaptions on special customer requirements, in a power range up to and above 100 MVA. The new design, performance and application benefits are summarized.