Impact of Temperature and Base Bias Stress on the Static Characteristics of Silicon and 4H-SiC NPN Vertical Power BJTs

Konferenz: PCIM Europe 2023 - International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management
09.05.2023-11.05.2023 in Nürnberg, Germany


Tagungsband: PCIM Europe 2023

Seiten: 9Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

Hosseinzadehlish, Mana; Jahdi, Saeed; Shen, Chengjun; Yuan, Xibo; Laird, Ian (University of Bristol, Bristol, UK)
Alatise, Olayiwola; Ortiz Gonzalez, Jose (University of Warwick, Coventry, UK)

In this paper, static characteristics of 800-V, 20-A Silicon and 1.7-KV, 15-A 4H-SiC BJTs have been analyzed through experimental tests at a wide range of temperatures and base stress levels to evaluate the sensitivities of I-V characteristics, base leakage current and on-state resistance of the devices to temperature increase and electrothermal base bias stress. The performance of the devices are demonstrated at maximum collector current of 3 A, various temperature range from 25 °C to 175 °C, different base currents and base stress of 1 V, 3 V and 6 V with and without external resistance.