The Dependency of 18650 Lithium-Ion Batteries’ Characteristics on Temperature

Konferenz: PCIM Europe 2023 - International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management
09.05.2023-11.05.2023 in Nürnberg, Germany


Tagungsband: PCIM Europe 2023

Seiten: 8Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

Mashayekh, Ali; Estaller, Julian; Khorasani, Mahdiye; Eckerle, Richard; Weyh, Thomas (Universität der Bundeswehr München , Germany)
Kuder, Manuel (Universität der Bundeswehr München , Germany & BAVERTIS GmbH, Neubiberg, Germany)

The behavior of a battery cell is highly dependent on the temperature at which the cell is operated. Depending on the temperature, battery cells show different impedance behaviors, cell voltages, current limits, usable capacities and safety characteristics. Knowing the influence of temperature on these parameters in detail is an indispensable knowledge base to which scientists and engineers must have access in order to develop safe and performant battery systems. For this reason, this publication contains a detailed, temperature-specific analysis of a widely used 18650 lithium-ion cell of the type HG2 from the manufacturer LG Chem. Cells of this type at different states of charge were cycled in a climatic chamber and measurement data regarding impedance, cell capacitance and open-circuit voltage were recorded. The corresponding plots are elaborated and the relationships between temperature and cell performance are explained.