Study of Quantum Error Corrected Fidelity Routing Design for Quantum Networks

Konferenz: European Wireless 2023 - 28th European Wireless Conference
02.10.2023-04.10.2023 in Rome, Italy

Tagungsband: European Wireless 2023

Seiten: 6Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

Yuan, Lishuai; Zhong, Zhaowei; Lim, Yuto (School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Ishikawa, Japan)
Li, Ruidong (Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University, Kakuma-machi, Japan)

This paper conducts an exploration of quantum routing algorithms that is intended to specifically focus on the implementation of quantum error correction (QEC). We begins with an introduction to the previously proposed routing algorithm, Q-LEAP, which effectively reduces computational complexity while maintaining high performance by a purification decision method. With this foundation, we propose a novel Q-FIND algorithm, which is designed to further reduce the network latency. Our research involves the application of QEC to evaluate these algorithms under the conditions of a noisy quantum channel. Our models are simulated using Qiskit, a opensource project for creating and manipulating quantum circuits and gates. Our numerical study is to examine the performance of both the Q-LEAP and Q-FIND algorithms when enhanced with QEC under noisy quantum channel conditions. Our simulation result reveals that the integrating QEC with these algorithms could significantly improve the quantum network performance.