Impact of multilevel converters on EMC filter weight of a 70 kVA power drive system for More Electrical Aircraft

Konferenz: CIPS 2020 - 11th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems
24.03.2020 - 26.03.2020 in Berlin, Deutschland

Tagungsband: ETG-Fb. 161: CIPS 2020

Seiten: 8Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

Sathler, Hans H.; Nagano, Lucas; Cougo, Bernardo (IRT Saint-Exupery, Toulouse, France)
Costa, Francois (Université Paris Est Créteil, France)
Labrousse, Denis (Le CNAM, Paris, France)

This paper presents the design of a 70 kVA GaN–based multilevel power converter (EMC filters comprised) with a power density and efficiency superior to 10 kW/kg and 98.5%for future More Electrical Aicraft (MEA) power drive systems. The order of magnitude of these parameters, not verified in other papers for a converter of this power, were reached thanks to the prec ise optimization of each component, such as input/output filters and forced-air heat sink. In addition, PCBs, drivers and current sensor weights were also taken into account in the final converter weight analysis.