Wiegand-Effect-Powered Wireless IoT Sensor Node

Konferenz: Sensoren und Messsysteme - 21. ITG/GMA-Fachtagung
10.05.2022 - 11.05.2022 in Nürnberg

Tagungsband: ITG-Fb. 303: Sensoren und Messsysteme

Seiten: 6Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

Wiegner, Jonas; Volker, Hanno; Mainz, Fabian; Backes, Andreas; Loeken, Michael (Centitech GmbH (part of FRABA B.V. group), Aachen, Germany)
Huening, Felix (University of Applied Sciences Aachen, Aachen, Germany)

In this article we describe an Internet-of-Things sensing device with a wireless interface which is powered by the often-overlooked harvesting method of the Wiegand effect. The sensor can determine position, temperature or other resistively measurable quantities and can transmit the data via an ultra-low power ultra-wideband (UWB) data transmitter. With this approach we can energy-self-sufficiently acquire, process, and wirelessly transmit data in a pulsed operation. A proof-of-concept system was built up to prove the feasibility of the approach. The energy consumption of the system is analyzed and traced back in detail to the individual components, compared to the generated energy and processed to identify further optimization options. Based on the proof-of-concept, an application demonstrator was developed. Finally, we point out possible use cases.