Cheng, Pericles Leng; Cheng, Pericles Leng; Papadopoulos, George Angelos
MMB Workshop 2006 - ITG FA 6.2 Workshop on Model-Based Testing, GI/ITG Workshop on Non-Functional Properties of Embedded Systems, 13th GI/ITG Conference Measuring, Modelling, and Evaluation of Computer and Communication
MMB Workshop 2006 - ITG FA 6.2 Workshop on Model-Based Testing, GI/ITG Workshop on Non-Functional Properties of Embedded Systems, 13th GI/ITG Conference Measuring, Modelling, and Evaluation of Computer and Communication
MMB Workshop 2006 - ITG FA 6.2 Workshop on Model-Based Testing, GI/ITG Workshop on Non-Functional Properties of Embedded Systems, 13th GI/ITG Conference Measuring, Modelling, and Evaluation of Computer and Communication
MMB Workshop 2006 - ITG FA 6.2 Workshop on Model-Based Testing, GI/ITG Workshop on Non-Functional Properties of Embedded Systems, 13th GI/ITG Conference Measuring, Modelling, and Evaluation of Computer and Communication
MMB Workshop 2006 - ITG FA 6.2 Workshop on Model-Based Testing, GI/ITG Workshop on Non-Functional Properties of Embedded Systems, 13th GI/ITG Conference Measuring, Modelling, and Evaluation of Computer and Communication
MMB Workshop 2006 - ITG FA 6.2 Workshop on Model-Based Testing, GI/ITG Workshop on Non-Functional Properties of Embedded Systems, 13th GI/ITG Conference Measuring, Modelling, and Evaluation of Computer and Communication
MMB Workshop 2006 - ITG FA 6.2 Workshop on Model-Based Testing, GI/ITG Workshop on Non-Functional Properties of Embedded Systems, 13th GI/ITG Conference Measuring, Modelling, and Evaluation of Computer and Communication
MMB Workshop 2006 - ITG FA 6.2 Workshop on Model-Based Testing, GI/ITG Workshop on Non-Functional Properties of Embedded Systems, 13th GI/ITG Conference Measuring, Modelling, and Evaluation of Computer and Communication
MMB Workshop 2006 - ITG FA 6.2 Workshop on Model-Based Testing, GI/ITG Workshop on Non-Functional Properties of Embedded Systems, 13th GI/ITG Conference Measuring, Modelling, and Evaluation of Computer and Communication
MMB Workshop 2006 - ITG FA 6.2 Workshop on Model-Based Testing, GI/ITG Workshop on Non-Functional Properties of Embedded Systems, 13th GI/ITG Conference Measuring, Modelling, and Evaluation of Computer and Communication
MMB Workshop 2006 - ITG FA 6.2 Workshop on Model-Based Testing, GI/ITG Workshop on Non-Functional Properties of Embedded Systems, 13th GI/ITG Conference Measuring, Modelling, and Evaluation of Computer and Communication
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